By Air

The transport of goods by air has undergone a significant increase of the offer from all over the World, keeping pace with the increasing internationalization of production and trade. The modern management of the stocks in the companies forces a shortening of time of new supply and air transport has contributed greatly to this, allowing the arrival of the goods transported by aircraft in a very short time.
The Air Department of SAVING Sped Air Ltd., for decades members of IATA (International Air Transport Association), provides its clients with the best care of the goods to be transported in import or export by air, from the single carton to the heavier and bulky machinery, from the component critically needed at a production plant to the supply of furniture, with a service that is always customized to meet the needs of variability, from the highest priority to the minimum possible cost of the air transport.
Consolidated service
Thanks to weekly departures of consolidated goods, SAVING Sped Air S.r.l. is able to offer a reliable, safe and economical service,
in exports from Italy to the following destinations:
New York
San Paolo (sia Guarhulos che Viracopos)
import in Italy from the following sources:
Direct service
In collaboration with the leading international air carriers, SAVING Sped Air S.r.l. operates daily direct / immediate shipments to and from the main commercial airports of all six continents.
Door to Door
Thanks to an extensive network of international agents, SAVING Sped Air S.r.l. offers suitable transportation for all possible sales terms covered, up to the full service of Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) in export or Ex Works (EXW) in import, going through all others in between (FCA / FOB / DAP / ...).
Payments care
SAVING Sped Air S.r.l. ensures total reliability in the management of payment against release goods such as COD or CAD, consulting and supplying the necessary documents for the negotiation of the Letters of Credit.
Expediting and checking the status of the goods in import
SAVING Sped Air S.r.l., in collaboration with its trustworthy and competent international correspondents, provides Expediting service, urging its customers' suppliers to respect the agreed time of delivery and reporting promptly the status to its customers.
Dangerous Goods management and Aviation Security
SAVING Sped Air S.r.l., by trained and always updated personnel, safely operates shipments of dangerous goods. It's also licensed as a regulated agent to comply with increasingly strict guidelines on international aviation security.